Tools: tl
Any transformation of the data matrix that is not preprocessing. In contrast to a preprocessing function, a tool usually adds an easily interpretable annotation to the data matrix, which can then be visualized with a corresponding plotting function.
Principal component analysis [Pedregosa et al., 2011]. |
t-SNE [Amir et al., 2013, Pedregosa et al., 2011, van der Maaten and Hinton, 2008]. |
Embed the neighborhood graph using UMAP [McInnes et al., 2018]. |
Force-directed graph drawing [Chippada, 2018, Islam et al., 2011, Jacomy et al., 2014]. |
Diffusion Maps [Coifman et al., 2005, Haghverdi et al., 2015, Wolf et al., 2018]. |
Compute densities on embeddings.
Calculate the density of cells in an embedding (per condition). |
Clustering and trajectory inference#
Cluster cells into subgroups [Traag et al., 2019]. |
Cluster cells into subgroups [Blondel et al., 2008, Levine et al., 2015, Traag, 2015]. |
Compute a hierarchical clustering for the given |
Infer progression of cells through geodesic distance along the graph [Haghverdi et al., 2016, Wolf et al., 2019]. |
Map out the coarse-grained connectivity structures of complex manifolds [Wolf et al., 2019]. |
Data integration#
Map labels and embeddings from reference data to new data. |
Marker genes#
Rank genes for characterizing groups. |
Filter out genes based on two criteria. |
Calculate an overlap score between data-derived marker genes and provided markers. |
Gene scores, Cell cycle#
Score a set of genes [Satija et al., 2015]. |
Score cell cycle genes [Satija et al., 2015]. |
Simulate dynamic gene expression data [Wittmann et al., 2009] [Wolf et al., 2018]. |