- scanpy.pp.recipe_zheng17(adata, *, n_top_genes=1000, log=True, plot=False, copy=False)[source]#
Normalize and filter as of Zheng et al. [2017].
Reproduces the preprocessing of Zheng et al. [2017] – the Cell Ranger R Kit of 10x Genomics.
Expects non-logarithmized data. If using logarithmized data, pass
.The recipe runs the following steps
sc.pp.filter_genes(adata, min_counts=1) # only consider genes with more than 1 count sc.pp.normalize_per_cell( # normalize with total UMI count per cell adata, key_n_counts='n_counts_all' ) filter_result = sc.pp.filter_genes_dispersion( # select highly-variable genes adata.X, flavor='cell_ranger', n_top_genes=n_top_genes, log=False ) adata = adata[:, filter_result.gene_subset] # subset the genes sc.pp.normalize_per_cell(adata) # renormalize after filtering if log: sc.pp.log1p(adata) # log transform: adata.X = log(adata.X + 1) sc.pp.scale(adata) # scale to unit variance and shift to zero mean
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- Returns:
Returns or updates
depending oncopy