Plotting: pl
The plotting module
largely parallels the tl.*
and a few of the pp.*
For most tools and for some preprocessing functions, you’ll find a plotting function with the same name.
See Core plotting functions for an overview of how to use these functions.
See the Settings section for all important plotting configurations.
Scatter plot along observations or variables axes. |
Heatmap of the expression values of genes. |
Make a dot plot of the expression values of |
Compact plot of expression of a list of genes. |
Violin plot. |
Stacked violin plots. |
Create a heatmap of the mean expression values per group of each var_names. |
Hierarchically-clustered heatmap. |
Plot rankings. |
Plot a dendrogram of the categories defined in |
These classes allow fine tuning of visual parameters.
Allows the visualization of two values that are encoded as dot size and color. |
Allows the visualization of values using a color map. |
Stacked violin plots. |
Methods for visualizing quality control and results of preprocessing functions.
Fraction of counts assigned to each gene over all cells. |
Plot dispersions versus means for genes. |
Plot dispersions or normalized variance versus means for genes. |
Plot histogram of doublet scores for observed transcriptomes and simulated doublets. |
Methods that extract and visualize tool-specific annotation in an
object. For any method in module tl
, there is
a method with the same name in pl
Scatter plot in PCA coordinates. |
Rank genes according to contributions to PCs. |
Plot the variance ratio. |
Plot PCA results. |
Scatter plot in tSNE basis. |
Scatter plot in UMAP basis. |
Scatter plot in Diffusion Map basis. |
Scatter plot in graph-drawing basis. |
Scatter plot in spatial coordinates. |
Scatter plot for user specified embedding basis (e.g. umap, pca, etc). |
Compute densities on embeddings.
Plot the density of cells in an embedding (per condition). |
Branching trajectories and pseudotime, clustering#
Visualize clusters using one of the embedding methods passing color='louvain'
Plot groups and pseudotime. |
Heatmap of pseudotime series. |
Plot the PAGA graph through thresholding low-connectivity edges. |
Gene expression and annotation changes along paths in the abstracted graph. |
Scatter and PAGA graph side-by-side. |
Marker genes#
Plot ranking of genes. |
Plot ranking of genes for all tested comparisons. |
Plot ranking of genes using stacked_violin plot. |
Plot ranking of genes using heatmap plot (see |
Plot ranking of genes using dotplot plot (see |
Plot ranking of genes using matrixplot plot (see |
Plot ranking of genes using heatmap plot (see |
Plot results of simulation. |