'winter', color_on='dot', dot_max=None, dot_min=None, smallest_dot=0.0, largest_dot=200.0, dot_edge_color='black', dot_edge_lw=0.2, size_exponent=1.5, grid=False, x_padding=0.8, y_padding=1.0)

Modifies plot visual parameters

cmap : strstr (default: 'winter')

String denoting matplotlib color map.

color_on : {‘dot’, ‘square’} | NoneOptional[Literal[‘dot’, ‘square’]] (default: 'dot')

Options are ‘dot’ or ‘square’. Be default the colomap is applied to the color of the dot. Optionally, the colormap can be applied to an square behind the dot, in which case the dot is transparent and only the edge is shown.

dot_max : float | NoneOptional[float] (default: None)

If none, the maximum dot size is set to the maximum fraction value found (e.g. 0.6). If given, the value should be a number between 0 and 1. All fractions larger than dot_max are clipped to this value.

dot_min : float | NoneOptional[float] (default: None)

If none, the minimum dot size is set to 0. If given, the value should be a number between 0 and 1. All fractions smaller than dot_min are clipped to this value.

smallest_dot : float | NoneOptional[float] (default: 0.0)

If none, the smallest dot has size 0. All expression fractions with dot_min are plotted with this size.

largest_dot : float | NoneOptional[float] (default: 200.0)

If none, the largest dot has size 200. All expression fractions with dot_max are plotted with this size.

dot_edge_color : str | Tuple[float, …] | NoneUnion[str, Tuple[float, …], None] (default: 'black')

Dot edge color. When color_on='dot' the default is no edge. When color_on='square', edge color is white for darker colors and black for lighter background square colors.

dot_edge_lw : float | NoneOptional[float] (default: 0.2)

Dot edge line width. When color_on='dot' the default is no edge. When color_on='square', line width = 1.5.

size_exponent : float | NoneOptional[float] (default: 1.5)

Dot size is computed as: fraction ** size exponent and afterwards scaled to match the smallest_dot and largest_dot size parameters. Using a different size exponent changes the relative sizes of the dots to each other.

grid : float | NoneOptional[float] (default: False)

Set to true to show grid lines. By default grid lines are not shown. Further configuration of the grid lines can be achieved directly on the returned ax.

x_padding : float | NoneOptional[float] (default: 0.8)

Space between the plot left/right borders and the dots center. A unit is the distance between the x ticks. Only applied when color_on = dot

y_padding : float | NoneOptional[float] (default: 1.0)

Space between the plot top/bottom borders and the dots center. A unit is the distance between the y ticks. Only applied when color_on = dot




>>> adata = sc.datasets.pbmc68k_reduced()
>>> markers = ['C1QA', 'PSAP', 'CD79A', 'CD79B', 'CST3', 'LYZ']

Change color map and apply it to the square behind the dot

>>>, markers, groupby='bulk_labels')        ...               .style(cmap='RdBu_r', color_on='square').show()

Add edge to dots and plot a grid

>>>, markers, groupby='bulk_labels')        ...               .style(dot_edge_color='black', dot_edge_lw=1, grid=True)        ...               .show()