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Scanpy – Single-Cell Analysis in Python#

Scanpy is a scalable toolkit for analyzing single-cell gene expression data built jointly with anndata. It includes preprocessing, visualization, clustering, trajectory inference and differential expression testing. The Python-based implementation efficiently deals with datasets of more than one million cells.

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New to scanpy? Check out the installation guide.


The tutorials walk you through real-world applications of scanpy.

API reference

The API reference contains a detailed description of the scanpy API.


Need help? Reach out on our forum to get your questions answered!

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Other resources


rapids-singlecell brings scanpy to the GPU! 2024-03-18#

rapids-singlecell by Severin Dicks provides a scanpy-like API with accelerated operations implemented on GPU.

Scanpy hits 100 contributors! 2022-03-31#

100 people have contributed to Scanpy’s source code!

Of course, contributions to the project are not limited to direct modification of the source code. Many others have improved the project by building on top of it, participating in development discussions, helping others with usage, or by showing off what it’s helped them accomplish.

Thanks to all our contributors for making this project possible!

New community channels 2022-03-31#

We’ve moved our forums and have a new publicly available chat!

Toolkit for spatial (squidpy) and multimodal (muon) published 2022-02-01#

Two large toolkits extending our ecosystem to new modalities have had their manuscripts published!

(past news)