Making a release

First, check out Versioning to see which kind of release you want to make. That page also explains concepts like pre-releases and applications thereof.

Actually making the release

  1. Go to GitHub’s releases page

  2. Click “Draft a new release”

  3. Click “Choose a tag” and type the version of the tag you want to release, such as 1.9.6

  4. Click “+ Create new tag: 1.<minor>.<patch> on publish”

  5. If the version is a pre-release version, such as 1.7.0rc1 or 1.10.0a1, tick the “Set as a pre-release” checkbox

After making a release

After any release has been made:

  • Create a new release notes file for the next bugfix release. This should be included in both dev and stable branches.

  • Create a milestone for the next release (in case you made a bugfix release) or releases (in case of a major/minor release). For bugfix releases, this should have on-merge: backport to 0.<minor>.x, so the meeseeksdev bot will create a backport PR. See Versioning for more info.

  • Clear out and close the milestone you just made a release for.

After a major or minor release has been made:

  • Tweet about it! Announce it on Zulip! Announce it on Discourse! Think about making a bot for this! Maybe actually do that?

  • Create a new release notes file for the next minor release. This should only be added to the dev branch.

  • Tag the development branch. If you just released 1.7.0, this would be 1.8.0.dev0.

  • Create a new branch for this release series, like 1.7.x. This should get a new release notes file.

Debugging the build process

If you changed something about the build process (e.g. Hatchling’s build configuration), or something about the package’s structure, you might want to manually check if the build and upload process behaves as expected:

# Clear out old distributions
rm -r dist

# Build source distribution and wheel both
python -m build

# Now check those build artifacts
twine check dist/*

# List the wheel archive’s contents
bsdtar -tf dist/*.whl

You can also upload the package to <> (tutorial)

twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*

The above approximates what the publish workflow does automatically for us. If you want to replicate the process more exactly, make sure you are careful, and create a version tag before building (make sure you delete it after uploading to TestPyPI!).